Sunday, May 25, 2008

Lost in Babelfish translation

Inspired by signs in NYC tenement doorways, this guy printed up a little sign

"No Menus or Flyers Please"

in a few languages using an online translator to let the local delivery guys know that their litter isn't welcome on his Chicago doorstep.

So what does the Spanish really say?

"Not any menus or aviators satisfy"

leaves the güeys from Taco Rápido wonder why these yuppies are displeased with the fly guys.


Steve Jensen said...

I are not a yuppie. Man.

alien teknology said...

yo no likeo el basura on mi calles, dolor de mi espina and i loathe picking up your 2 cent copy black and white 6 pt font menus becomming paper paste on my sidewalk after the sprinklers do their deed in the morning.

how about a free buffet for my block neighbor.